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Manav Mitra Foundation

Be the Change

Manav Mitra Foundation (MMF) is a donation platform that gives you an opportunity to serve for society. We help you to donate and support special section of the society at your choice. After detailed consideration, the beneficiary is identified, We tell you exactly where your money went and also give you proof of it through a feedback report. We ensure that your contribution reaches to the deserving channel. Underlying everything MMF does is the belief that equality or “equal opportunity” is the cornerstone to civilization. Every human being must have roughly the same opportunity to succeed in life, irrespective of where or how s/he is born. MMF believes that a caring and sensitive well-to-do section can change this without waiting for the situation to explode. Each of us could probably afford to give much more to private, charitable efforts to alleviate poverty and suffering.

Our Mission

To promote efficient and effective giving that provides greater opportunities to help Society.

Our History

MMF started in 2007 with few volunteers who wanted to do something for the society. With Initial Donations from their own they continue to run the yearly programs through their own efforts. Looking at our work and efforts towards the programs, many people wished to join us and shown interest in contributing towards MMF activities. To accommodate all these requests and to ensure proper working and management , The Formal registration and expansion plan was executed in 2012 and we are now formally registered with Charity Commission, Pune,India, 2013- 2014. Below is list of some of our work.


Why Us

• Donation is guaranteed to reach the needy •

• Choice of cause and donation entirely yours •

• Members can actively participate / Suggest any time •

• Detailed feedback on the utilization of your contribution •

• Managed by professionals with no religious or political affiliation •